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Pizza Party Pizza Party Pizza Party

Pizza Party

Pizza Party


Currently in approval stages (link to app store)

Reward your customers with free pizza

Instead of pouring a big chunk of each order's revenue into new paid customer acquisition, put that $$$ back into the customer's experience. Let customers and their word of mouth be your true form of marketing.

Why send a Pizza Party?

  1. Today's customer wants more than just the product's benefits. They are looking for an experience they can talk to their friends about and share on social media. A surprise pizza gives them something to post, and share a story with their friends next time they hangout.
  2. It shows your customer you care about them beyond the transaction. By going above and beyond your responsibilities to customers you earn goodwill which will translate to great reviews and repurchases.
  3. We live in a world of instant gratification. Hate that a great customer has to wait 4 days for their big order? A free pizza within a couple hours buys you a week of shipping delays.
  4. Returning customers buy more frequently and have higher average order values.

If your customers are busy parents, tell them you will take care of dinner tonight so they can spend extra time with their kids.

If your customers are stressed out college students, remind them to eat by sending them a free pizza. Their roommates will love you for it.

If you sell furniture, why not make the assembly more fun with a free Pizza Party! Assembly Pizza Party?

How it works:

  1. Install the Pizza Party app and discover your high value customers
  2. Select which customers you want to send pizzas to
  3. Your customer gets an email to confirm the time and place for their pizza delivery

It's that easy. And fun to use!

Pizza Party will also track your pizzas to see if customers tell their friends, leave you a review, or purchase again. So you can finally start tracking the ROI on great customer service.

The best part is, Pizza Party is always working for you in the background. If a new great customer emerges, the app will ask you to confirm the free pizza through Email. This way you won’t miss an opportunity to “wow” future customers.


  1. What happens if Dominos can't deliver to my customer's address? The customer will be marked as "undeliverable" and the pizza will not be sent.

  2. What if my customer doesn't want a pizza? Customers have to confirm the delivery. If they don't want it for whatever reason, they can forward it to a friend, or just ignore your email so you're not charged.

  3. What size and toppings can my customers choose? Currently only large cheese pizzas can be sent. It caters to most people's dietary constraints.

  4. Where did this idea come from? The idea came after the founder started sending pizzas to his own best customers. Sending a $15 pizza resulted in word of mouth sales of over $500. He figured this marketing tactic should get more awarene