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Guide to Smart Segmentation Guide to Smart Segmentation Guide to Smart Segmentation Guide to Smart Segmentation

Guide to Smart Segmentation

Guide to Smart Segmentation


This guide will walk you through the complete guide to customer segmentation using the long proven RFM analysis.

Ecommerce RFM Analysis Guide

RFM Analysis Segmentation

Complete Guide to Ecommerce RFM Segmentation

Table of Contents


What is RFM Segmentation? 3
Benefits of RFM Analysis 7
Downfall of traditional email marketing 10
Why RFM works 12
12 Customer Segments 15
Listed segments and actions 16
1. Champions 18
2. Loyal Customers 19
3. Promising 20
4. New Customers 21
5. Abandoned Checkouts 22
6. Callback Requests 23
7. Warm Leads 24
8. Cold Leads 25
9. Need Attention 26
10. Shouldn't Lose 27
11. Sleepers 28
12. Lost 29
How to do your own RFM Analysis 30
Step 1: Collecting Informations 30
Step 2: Identify Scoring Framework 31
Step 3: RFM Scoring 32
Step 4: Campaigning Ideation 37
Contact our RFM Expert 39
About our Company 40