Everybody needs a funnel. It tells you how your marketing is performing relative to your business. Work with us to visualize yours, or download the DIY guide below.
Introduction | 3 |
What is a funnel? | 3 |
Importance of funnel mapping | 5 |
Three steps of visualizing the funnel | 6 |
Step 1 - Identify Key Metrics | 8 |
Complete the marketing canvas | 8 |
Sample "Key Metrics" | 10 |
Finding your key metrics | 16 |
Step 2 - Goal Orientation | 17 |
Document the metrics | 17 |
Outlining the funnel map | 18 |
Identifying leading indicators | 20 |
Step 3 - Create the Kanban | 21 |
Why you need a marketing management tool | 21 |
What is a kanban? | 21 |
Sample ecommerce kanban | 23 |
Steps to creating a kanban | 26 |
Contact our Funnel Mapping Expert | 28 |
About our Company | 29 |