Tackling Abandoned Checkouts
Posted by hmscommerce Admin on
Each website visit from an interested customer is like a play:
On one side you have a considering visitor with questions or concerns. For example, is it too expensive? Or what is the expected shipping time?
And on the other side you have your defensive strategy to respond to each...
Selling to the 4 Types of Website Visitors
Posted by hmscommerce Admin on
The “i ching” is one of the oldest books in history and has been considered a source of wisdom for over 3,000 years. It uses eight trigrams to understand the stages of life. In this episode we’ll interpret the trigrams to understand your 4 types website visitors.
Buyer's Decision Making: The OODA Loop for Ecommerce
Posted by hmscommerce Admin on
The OODA Loop was developed by John Boyd, a military strategist, in the 1960’s as a decision making framework for fighter pilots in the chaos of air to air combat. Let's examine this framework in Ecommerce.
Investing in Customer Experience
Posted by hmscommerce Admin on
Have you ever wondered why advertising is considered an investment, but customer service is a cost?
Many merchants are happy spending tens of thousands of dollars on advertising reaching new customers, but if customers try to reach them, they make it as hard as possible to connect. In this video we’ll see why we need to switch this thinking.